Teacher Kits and Resources


Early Childhood Music – Our Early Childhood Music kits contain the magnets and rhythm games to support the first five “Come Join Our Musical Journey” books.

Kit 1: ‘The Big Ride At The Musical Fair’ story book and resources. Price: $99.65

Kit 2: ‘Me And My Friends At The Musical Party’ story book and resources. Price: $99.65

Kit 3: ‘The Magical Path In The Musical Forest’ story book and resources. Price: $99.65

Kit 4: ‘The Diatonics Drive To The Musical Dance Club’ story book and resources. Price: $99.65

Kits 1-4 contain:

1 story book; 7 A5 character flashcards (non-laminated); 7 character magnets; 7 solfa/solfege syllable magnets; 7 music letter name magnets; 7 treble clef staff magnets; 1 rhythm game.

Kit 5: ‘The Pentatonics Play At The Musical Park’ story book and resources. Price: $135.45

Kit 5 contains:

1 story book; 10 A5 character flashcards (non-laminated); 10 character magnets; 10 solfa/solfege syllable magnets; 10 music letter name magnets; 10 treble clef staff magnets; 1 rhythm game.

Complete Kit. Price: $488.15

The Complete Kit contains:

5 story books; 40 A5 character flashcards (non-laminated); 40 character playing cards (treble clef version); 38 character magnets; 17 solfa/solfege syllable magnets; 21 music letter name magnets; 17 treble clef staff magnets; 5 rhythm games.

Theory and Aural – “Discovering Music” and “How To Ace Your Aural Tests” books and resources are available separately and in kit form.

“Discovering Music” book kit contains the Teacher’s book, Student Workbook, A2 Hand Sign Poster and A2 Rhythm Solfa/Solfege Poster. Price: $125.00

“How To Ace Your Aural Test” book kit contains book, A2 Hand sign Poster and A2 Rhythm Solfa/Solfege Poster. Price: $65.00


A2 Hand sign Posters and A2 Rhythm Solfa/Solfege Posters are also available separately ($23.55 each).

Shipping costs may apply for kits.

For enquiries, email [email protected] or contact 0401 673 338 (Mon-Sat 9:00am-5:00pm).

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