Music Posters, Flashcards, Playing Cards

‘Come Join Our Musical Journey’ Books 1-9

The first story book has been read and we’re familiar with its characters.  Now is the time to focus on each character, singing its name to pitch and then showing the relevant musical letter and note, using the treble clef and/or bass clef as appropriate.  Follow this process, progressing through each of the characters from the other story books and novels and you’ll be surprised how soon  children will be associating each character with its sounding pitch and visual appearance on the music staff.

These double-sided cards come in A4 poster size, A5 flashcard size, as well as a standard playing card size to encourage a creative approach to learning.

Free shipping with online orders.

For enquiries, email [email protected] or contact 0401 673 338 (Mon-Sat 9:00am-5:00pm).

× MC Flashcard Cover WEB-silver & CFC Treble Clef Flashcards Set: 40 Cards for 5-Books Set (Simplified Chinese)


Subtotal: : $74.30

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